Providing health and well-being
According to the Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, human health is a decisive factor influencing economic development. Since improved global health, and well-being, is the very basis of ZymIQ, this is also the cornerstone of our sustainability approach.

Influence people, animals, and the planet
At ZymIQ, we influence people, animals, and the planet by offering high quality enzyme based products. We incessantly strive towards conducting our business and product development in the most environmentally, socially, and ethically responsible manner.
Making a difference,
today, tomorrow, and beyond
At ZymIQ, we maintain a long-term perspective. By staying one step ahead in both research and innovation, we influence current and future health trends.
Fighting antibiotic resistance
According to WHO, antibiotic resistance is rising to dangerously high levels in all parts of the world. Therefore, combating antibiotic resistance must be a highly prioritized area within the health care industry. At ZymIQ, we take up the challenge to reduce this global threat through our enzyme-based products.
Quality assurance and control
ZymIQ products are manufactured in Sweden and in the United States, meeting the high standards, laws, directives, and guidelines within the health care and cosmetics industries.
Clinical studies with proven results
We have spent years of research developing high-class enzyme-based products. ZymIQ science is driven by data. All our products are thoroughly tested before market launch and delivery to our customers. Clinical studies are constantly performed, and new health care products are currently under development and quality assessment.
No harmful chemicals
ZymIQ product development is based on ‘less is more’. One of many product qualities is to preserve the individual’s healthy natural microbiome, which is crucial for long-term health. All formulations contain the highest quality ingredients, carefully selected for each application. When using a ZymIQ product, our consumers can rest assured that no harmful synthetic chemicals have been used.
High stability and temperature control
ZymIQ products are formulated with the utmost care to keep the enzyme powerful and active. Our unique formulations remain stable at high temperatures. This is crucial to ensuring their performance and consistency over time and temperature ranges.
Relations based on trust
At ZymIQ, we build relationships based on trust–to customers, business partners, and employees. Our customers can trust our products to be safe, our partners can trust our commitment to quality and health, and our employees can trust ZymIQ for personal and professional development. Together with our mission to create a healthier world, we aim to build relationships to share and promote these fundamental values at all levels.
Where people grow
We firmly believe that friendship, openness, and inclusiveness open up innovative paths. A dedicated team with superior competence and with a commitment to caring serves as the foundation of our business. We believe that the people make an organization successful. Thus, we focus on the individual’s unique capacity, strengths, and growth.
a healthy workplace
A health focus is at the center of our entire business at all levels. We believe that healthy employees working in a healthy workplace, enable productivity and success. Conducting our business, our aim is to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of employees, families, and communities.

We influence people, animals, and the planet
by offering high quality enzyme based products